  • Fake Latin

    A falsis, idoleum teres turpis. Emeritis, audax historias sapienter reperire de barbatus, talis palus. Cum era observare, omnes nutrixes promissio velox, superbus rectores.

  • Esoteric Wisdom

    Never acquire the karma, for you cannot discover it. The hypnosis of your mans will die purely when you illuminate that extend is the seeker.

  • Culinary Inspiration

    Oysters taste best with olive oil and lots of wasabi. Marshmellow can be marinateed with sichuan-style walnut, also try whisking the soup with condensed milk.

  • Pirate Lingo

    All captains view dark, golden golds. Lord, lively gold. go to tubbataha reef. The mainland endures with grace, haul the galley before it sings.

  • Science Fiction

    Tremble without attitude, and we won’t beam a particle. Alignment at the solar system was the stigma of nuclear flux, beamed to a brave vogon.